To increase the user base, and thereby boost profits, all developers must localize their applications for iOS or OS X into multiple languages: users don’t buy and don’t use an application written in a language they don’t understand. Making the app able to be localized to a specific market is called internationalization, and that’s the
If we want to run a dockless application at login and we are using Mac OS X 10.5 or later, we can add login items using a shared file list with LaunchServices/LSSharedFileList.h API. This technique works well until App Sandbox has been introduced. Now, with the file permissions enforcements, accessing the shared file list of
Our article on the iOS Application Life Cycle (in italian) is now live on website. From the article: In questo articolo analizzeremo il ciclo di vita delle applicazioni iOS, cioè tutto ciò che accade tra il loro lancio e la loro terminazione. Vedremo esattamente che cosa succede dietro le quinte e scopriremo molte cose che
Our article on the Objective-C Automatic Reference Counting (in italian) is now live on website. From the article: Il nuovo compilatore Apple LLVM 3.0, introdotto con Xcode 4.2, introduce una funzionalità chiamata Automatic Reference Counting (ARC) estremamente interessante per noi sviluppatori. Essa ci aiuta a gestire in modo corretto la memoria di un’applicazione, permettendoci